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421954 occurrences (No.40 in the rank) during 5 years in the PubMed. [cache]
327) oportional increase correlated with GRACE risk score (P < .001).
328) The authors aimed to develop a diabetes risk score for primary care providers in r
329) Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) risk score in patients with ST-segment ele
330) n-hospital outcomes, independent of GRACE risk score in patients with STEMI.
331) Likewise, NLR and GRACE risk score showed a significant positive c
332) The association between NLR and GRACE risk score was assessed.
333) The new risk score with 3 simple, easy-to-measure,
334) The new risk score with age, family history of dia
335) in-hospital outcomes independent of GRACE risk score.
336) ere divided into 3 groups by use of GRACE risk score.
337) s index (BMI) with cardiovascular disease risk in a Chinese population.
338) e, which revealed an increase in thrombus risk in a ventricle with DCM.
339) enotoxic agents and constitutes a genetic risk in exposed human population.
340) ons and suggests to consider the zoonotic risk in handling and eating meat from this
341) e aneurysm might influence cardiovascular risk in patients with right-sided aortas.
342) ld makes it necessary to reveal the toxic risk in populations of nontargeted organis
343) This article explores risk in professional nursing practice.
344) een reported to be associated with cancer risk in several types of cancer.
345) em to be responsible for an increased CDV risk in these patients.
346) nt women among the most vulnerable and at-risk group.
347) ctories of suicidal ideation in this high-risk group and how these relate to posthos
348) surgery for lung cancer represent a high-risk group because of electrolyte imbalanc
349) e must target dialysis patients as a high-risk group.
350) E severity, especially in identifying low-risk group.
351) children of deprived obese parents are a risk group for the development of childhoo
352) ve selective preventive programme for the risk group of children of depressed mother
353) ls than boys reporting sexual experience (risk ratio 1.30, 95% CI 1.15, 1.47).
354) ted with significantly improved survival (risk ratio [RR] 0.23, 95% confidence inter
355) iated with moderate underweight (relative risk ratio [RRR] = 1.09; 95% confidence in
356) It is critical to rapidly reassess the risk-benefit ratio of this drug for any pa
357) The risk/benefit ratio must be carefully consi
358) ional studies are warranted to verify the risk/benefit ratio of warfarin, which appe
359) d education has been shown to reduce high-risk behavior among adolescents, but in In
[frequency of next (right) word to risk]
(1)138 of (9)9 in (17)4 factors, (25)2 managers
(2)72 factors (10)7 group (18)4 stratification (26)2 mortality
(3)40 for (11)6 ratio (19)4 was (27)2 perception
(4)24 factor (12)5 behavior (20)3 groups (28)2 rates
(5)23 and (13)5 is (21)3 infants (29)2 the
(6)16 *null* (14)5 patients (22)2 among
(7)13 assessment (15)5 to (23)2 during
(8)10 score (16)4 areas (24)2 estimators

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--- WordNet output for risk --- =>1.損害の恐れ, 危険, 冒険, リスク, 2.危険にさらす, 3.敢えてする, 被保険者, 被保険物, 危険にさらす, 賭けてみる Overview of noun risk The noun risk has 4 senses (first 2 from tagged texts) 1. (4) hazard, jeopardy, peril, risk, endangerment -- (a source of danger; a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune; "drinking alcohol is a health hazard") 2. (2) risk, peril, danger -- (a venture undertaken without regard to possible loss or injury; "he saw the rewards but not the risks of crime"; "there was a danger he would do the wrong thing") 3. risk, risk of infection -- (the probability of becoming infected given that exposure to an infectious agent has occurred) 4. risk, risk of exposure -- (the probability of being exposed to an infectious agent) Overview of verb risk The verb risk has 2 senses (first 2 from tagged texts) 1. (8) risk, put on the line, lay on the line -- (expose to a chance of loss or damage; "We risked losing a lot of money in this venture"; "Why risk your life?"; "She laid her job on the line when she told the boss that he was wrong") 2. (2) gamble, chance, risk, hazard, take chances, adventure, run a risk, take a chance -- (take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome; "When you buy these stocks you are gambling") --- WordNet end ---